1. What does DISC stand for?

Visit the What is DISC page for more details.   Each letter stands for a behavior type:

D – Dominant

I – Interactive

S – Steady

C – Compliant.

2. What’s the process for completing the assessment?

The assessment will take about 15 minutes to complete, it is an online assessment.  Once completed, your customized report will be sent directly to your email inbox within 1 hour.

3. Once I order an assessment, how quickly will I receive the link?

One you have paid for the assessment, a link will be sent to your email inbox within 4 hours when purchased during normal business hours.

4. I manage a team and am interested in my entire team taking the assessment. Is that possible?

Yes!  It’s such a wise decision to have your entire team complete the assessment.  Please contact me to discuss the process for a team assessment and presentation.  DISC is the perfect team building tool whether you team has been together for years, you have a new team or just new members to your team – everyone will benefit.

5. Why invest in coaching?

International Coach Federation (ICF) documents that “those who work with a  professional coach not only attain success in the goal areas which initially lead them to seek a coach, but more than likely, find themselves enjoying positive changes in other areas of their life as well.  Professional coaching focuses on an individual’s life as it relates to goal setting, outcome creation, and personal change management.   Coaching inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential”

6. I’m just not sure coaching is right for me?

It’s important to know where you are and if you are motivated to make the changes you deeply desire.  I have my clients start out with a DISC assessment in order to learn more about themselves.  When someone is not sure, I suggest starting with the DISC assessment and an initial coaching session to debrief their results.  This will give us an opportunity to work together and determine if we are a good fit.  If for some reason we just don’t fit, I have several coaches who I know and trust and am happy to offer a referral.

7. Do you accept credit cards?

Yes, through our Paypal account, you can use a credit card or your checking account to invest in DISC, coaching or both.