
The International Coaching Federation defines coaching as PARTNERING.  A coach partners with clients (companies and individuals) with the goal of maximizing personal and professional potential.  Imagine yourself, or the team you manage maximizing potential!

Businesspeople Running Towards Finish LineCoaching is not therapy, they are profoundly different.  Therapy works to heal the past.  Coaching is about where you are right now and where you want to go (forward moving, future focused)  As a trained professional therapist, I understand the difference and won’t confuse the two.

I chose to be a coach because I believe that keeping the image and vision of where you want to go, do and be is what creates change.

If you want therapy, I’m happy to provide you with some fabulous resources, if you want coaching, if you want to reach your goals, read on.

Think about your goals?  Do you set them, work with them regularly, put an action plan together to meet those goals?  Most people do not! We tend to think about goals, dream about goals, hope for a different way yet rarely take action.  Imagine yourself, your team, reaching their goals!

My clients are motivated and eager to reach their goals. They are leaders in corporations, managers, directors,  financial gurus, human capital professionals, individuals in transition, and people just like you and me.

Together, we build a customized coaching program and schedule based on YOUR goals.  I am here for you, to support, encourage, and kick your butt when needed.  Life is finite, live it to the fullest today!

Is there a return on investment (ROI)?

According to the 2009 ICF Global Coaching Client Study, “companies that use or have used professional coaching for business reasons have seen a median return on investment of seven times their initial investment. Individual clients reported a median return on investment of 3.44 times their investment.”

Tell me about the benefits of coaching…

Are you looking for a fresh perspective, expanded thinking, enhanced decision making skills, enriched interpersonal relations while increasing your personal and professional effectiveness?  With coaching you may experience these benefits and more.  Imagine you and your team with increased productivity, restored self-confidence and vibrant communication skills.

Take a minute, watch the video below and listen to Eric Schmidt; former CEO and current Executive Chairman of the Board of Google share his view of Coaching.


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