
My clients are motivated and eager to reach their goals. Whether corporate or individual, they realize the time is now to reach their potential.  Located throughout the U.S., my clients walk their talk.

~  “When I started my coaching sessions I was out of solutions for ways to deal with changes in my personal and professional life.  Just having gone through a company wide restructuring resulting in several new managers to report to and adjusting to different management styles in a short period of time challenged my contributions and sense of belonging in a company that I initially chose because of its product that was out to revolutionize the way regular people lend money to regular people.

Patti offered assistance on some core issues I’ve been dealing with and helped me tremendously in moving through the emotions attached to it. In using the DISC assessment we got to identify quickly what created the separation of my “at Home personality” and “at Work personality”. I was stunned to find with Patti’s many helpful suggestions the actions I could take to turn my daily experiences around. My results were quick and profound and changed the way of communicating with people at the office, with my kids and my wife. I feel more in control of my environment and grateful to identify obstacles quicker with enough time to communicate remedies.

In working with Patti and her coaching technique I have a faithful presence through all the challenges that come up, encouragement and creative solutions that help me daily to change my life. In our sessions she pays close attention to the details of my situation, holds me accountable with her clear and consistent inquiry and provides the support to recognize and achieve my dreams. I am thankful to her influence in my life and would highly recommend her to anyone.”  Thomas, Creative Lead, California

~  “Sometimes the hardest personal exercise is looking inward and discovering what’s there. We don’t want to ever admit that we don’t like what we see, but knowing this unleashes an optimism and understanding that’s amazing and powerful. Patti helps you take that hard look inside and then translates it to action and results.”  RichMarket Development Strategist, Colorado


~  “…DISC, it definitely gave me a lot of tips… having a better understanding and being able to identify people’s types easier…”  T.S., Financial Representative, Colorado


~  “It’s amazing that a questionnaire which takes such a brief amount of time to complete can provide such in-depth and practical information!  I have used with several leadership teams to create more awareness of self, the leadership team as a whole and each leader’s direct reports.  It’s been a great tool in understanding behavioral differences.  The information gained can be applied immediately.”  Jodi, Human Resource Manager, Arizona



~  “I would highly recommend working and coaching with Patti. She’s very patient, understanding, encouraging, and consistent. Patti helps ‘de-clutter’ one’s mind and provides level of clarity. Patti provides unique perspectives and new way of self-awareness. Time and time again I had to pull back and rethink my own thinking where I’ve learned things about myself that I didn’t know, and I didn’t even know that I needed to know them! Patti cares deeply about her clients and it shows in her listening and questioning. She is warm, humorous and puts you utterly at ease. Having different and new perceptiveness, understanding and different point of view which when combined gets great results in personal or professional life. The bottom line, overall it motivates, clarifies and improves a person in personal and professional life. 

 Furthermore, Patti utilizes DISC as a tool to help person be more mindful and more conscious. Knowing my DISC aspects of behavior – it indicates my motivations and natural behaviors which definitely improves my communication effectiveness, enhance my listening and strengthen my team relationships. It broadens my awareness, increase of my strategies for communicating effectively so I can be more effective in a team building, to minimize and prevent misunderstandings and to have better understanding of what motivates people. It provides me specific behavioral strategies for communicating with all styles and aspects of human behavior. All this leads to bottom line results. To summarize, Patti is like a Yoda, wise and down-to-earth. Highly recommended!”   Ted, Technology Professional, Arizona



~  “Our coaching call really helped me out!  You “turned” my perspective and opened my mind to two key things. First, trusting our guides more…giving them the responsibility so I could enjoy our experience more.  Second, to clarify the fact that we were in this together, that we started and we should finish together.  We had a couple of very good conversations on what would happen if one of us couldn’t or didn’t want to go forward.  We finally not only agreed, but came to a happy peace with staying together no matter what. 

 …success was had in staying together and I’ve absolutely no regrets in that decision.  Knowing this going in and being at peace with it when we were in the moment….it really made the experience that much more spectacular.

 Thanks for opening my mind to this and helping me clarify my perspective. The summit of the mountain wasn’t reached, but the summit of our experience together couldn’t have been higher!”  T.E., Technology Professional, Washington


~  “Thank you for your openness and generosity of spirit. I took away so many great things from our meeting. Most excitingly, you helped me develop trust in my intuition. I also left so incredibly eager to strengthen my connection with the spiritual world, confident that I’m not psychotic!”   J.D., Mother, wife, Intellectual, California 


~  “Patti is an effective leader and executive. She is a team player and dedicates herself to helping those she works with achieve their goals.”  George, Chairman of the Board, Massachusetts


~ “Patti has a very positive and warm approach to her coaching style. She has a way of engaging you through the process;asks open ended questions and awaits while you are able to process each step. At times she appears to intuitively ask the appropriate questions which helps guide your focus on a certain situation. I have enjoyed my experience by gaining a better insight of myself.”   Karen, Registered Nurse, Colorado